Posts of the Past

Friday, October 19, 2012

The CryptKeeper from "Tales from the Crypt" makes a rare appearance after a 15-year hiatus

FEARnet, the leading cable destination for horror, thriller and suspense content, will join forces with Todd Masters’ MASTERSFX to present “Son of a BASH,” an exclusive star-studded costume party celebrating the 25th anniversary of MASTERSFX. “Son of a BASH” is the 15th MASTERSFX BASH, and the first BASH since 2007.
 This industry event will be a feast for the senses, featuring masterful makeup and live entertainment provided by celebrated L.A. DJ Amanda Jones.

The legendary CryptKeeper, himself, from “Tales from the Crypt,” will also make a special guest appearance after 15 years in the shadows.

The invitation-only party in Burbank Ca will include entertainment industry executives and celebrities.

Proceeds from the event will go toward the Southern California Hospice Foundation, who provide care for terminally ill children and adults, through community education, integrative medicine and patient assistance.

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